And by TRUE, I mean FALSE
Life in the People's Republic of Canada.

Excuses, excuses...

Just to catch up on the last couple of months:

"Excuses, excuses..." my junior high geography teacher used to say whenever one of his students would blame his lack of sharp pencils, hockey tournaments, illness, or grandparent's death for not being able to complete an assignment on time. Well, I have no excuses to offer for being off the blog for so long. Actually I do, but they're lame, so I won't bother. Be assured: now that I'm back, I'm going to blog like never before. I'm just making that up. Good day, sir!


Advertising McCrap

Whoa...uh...Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.

Canadiancomment has a post that sums it up about crappy advertising:

Jarrod should be in about as many commercials as Robert Blake, he has that kind of effect on people.


The only team of ad gurus that are worse than the Subway gang, are the morons from McCains who thought it would be a good idea to bring back the little kid who eats fries and doesn't talk.

Amen! I've long despised McCains' ads - anything they're selling, the ads are guaranteed to be godawful. And as for Jarrod, well, to say "this whole Jarrod thing has been getting old now for about two years" is a gross understatement.

Although, as you can see from this ad by Volkswagon, there is some good work being done in the field of advertising. Now that we've free associated our way from Jarrod to McCains hell to good car ads, well, I can't let things go without a link to the Dancing Citroen...why it's dancing on the roof of a parking garage in Vancouver is beyond me.

All this thanks to canadiancomment.

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