And by TRUE, I mean FALSE
Life in the People's Republic of Canada.


I've been visiting canadiancomment quite a bit lately. If you haven't been there yet, check it out. Bob and Dana post pretty frequently (unlike some other blogs I can think of) and I invariably find something worth reading. It's a heady mix of interesting links and trenchant commentary - and that's about the highest praise I can give a blog.

And I couldn't mention canadiancomment without mentioning my other favorite Canadian blogs:


I tried to post here a few days ago, but something was messed up with Blogger and it never happened. You sure didn't miss much - just a bitchfest about my health. Speaking of which...

I felt like I was coming down with a cold the other day. Lileks is continually praising the wonders of zinc on the Bleat, so I grabbed some zinc/vitamin C losanges. It seems to have done the trick. I'll keep this in mind, since I've had (as you may know) 132 colds since July of this year.

In other health news, I finally broke down and went to the chiropracter this morning after triggering another back spasm yesterday evening and having a terrible, sleepless night full of pain. I injured my back originally about a week ago and have been enduring some degree of pain ever since. Chiropractic is a weird combination of science and pseudo-science. Manipulating the spine can truly help relieve pain and correct a problem. But some of the methods chiropracters use are just bunk. All this rubbish about needing to see a chiro every month for "maintenance," for example. "Subluxations" of the spine causing virtually all health problems is another notion that reeks of junk science. Why don't we try magnets and crystals while we're at it. That being said, chiropracters know the back and spine pretty well. After a few snap-crackle-pop minutes on the table, and a couple of hours of ice, my back feels pretty good. I'm going back tomorrow for a follow-up, but I think this may have solved the problem. Or perhaps Dr. Knuckles snapped my spine on the table and I died, but I'm one of those 6th Sense ghosts who doesn't realize they're dead...hard to say.

That didn't take long!

Wow...I put Arafat's picture up on the site and less than 24 hours later he's dead.

Let this be a warning to all who oppose me!


From Monday's Press Briefing by U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld:


With that, we'll take your questions.


Q Mr. Secretary, you said that much still needs to be done here at the Pentagon. And as, I guess, the chief architect and champion of transformation, there has been a lot of speculation about your future here. And realizing that you serve at the pleasure of the president, sir, I wonder if you hope and plan to stay on here at the Pentagon and move transformation further down the road and see the Iraq problem through. Would you plan to stay on, sir, for at least a year, say? Or do you hope to stay on?

SEC. RUMSFELD: Charlie. (Laughter.) The president has spoken on this issue. He went to Camp David. He's thinking about his administration for the future. I've met with him two or three times on totally different subjects since the election, but that's not a subject that's come up. And needless to say, either one of us would discuss it with the other before discussing it with you. (Laughter.)

Q Well, would you -- you said --

SEC. RUMSFELD: As much respect as we have for you.



When will it end?

I wonder if something like this is taking place in France as I write this...

weekend at yassers.jpg

From the Voodoo Lounge.

Wiki-wiki-wiki's not just fun to say. The U.S. Presidential Election 2004 page is a wealth of information. Even better are the links at the bottom to every other U.S. Presidential election. Who carried California in 1912, you ask? Why, Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party (aka the "Bull Moose" party), of course. The maps accompanying most of the historical election pages are great - you can see that North Dakota had 5 electoral votes in 1912...more than Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah or Wyoming. ND was only one EV behind Florida (6) back boggles the mind.

That wasn't so bad now, was it?

Earlier this year I called Bush to win the presidency and carry 49 states (Kerry winning Massachusetts and D.C.). I didn't have a blog back then, but I can put you in touch with some people who heard my outrageous prediction and can vouch for me.

Anyway, it wasn't 49 states. But Bush won. As they say, "it's all over but the crying" - and there certainly is some crying.

Protein Wisdom has a nice roundup of Democratic vitriol. There's worse stuff than that out there if you're interested. And don't miss Belmont Club's look at the fun and games...

You might also like to see how the vote broke down by county.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I mean, I agree - but I can't believe it's a Democrat who wrote it (at least, not a Democrat who voted for Kerry).

This turned into a bit of a link roundup...and this is just what I stumbled across in the last hour or so. I'm never going to finish reading the Internet, dammit.

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