And by TRUE, I mean FALSE
Life in the People's Republic of Canada.

Blogroll Revisited

Since 10:49am yesterday morning, I've been consumed with a single burning desire: to put together a blogroll for this site. I'm still no closer to actually creating such a thing, but I'm going to start posting a few of the blogs I visit daily. Maybe a little anecdote about the blog, maybe a description. Man, it'll be better than a blogroll! So let's, uh, roll:

Colby Cosh - This was the first real blog I visited. Colby is always informative and his insight into Canadian issues is pretty shrewd. He's a freelance journalist now - his columns appear weekly in the National Post and, as I put it once to him in an email, he don't never fail to not entertain, no. His site is still the first blog I hit every day. Did I mention he also blogs about hockey occasionally? Plus he's witty to boot. This is but one example of his brilliance. And Colby begat...

Instapundit - In January of 2003, I read one of Cosh's postings comparing the traffic he gets from being listed on the Instapundit blogroll and the blogroll (Glenn's MSNBC blog) and I had absolutely no clue that Glenn Reynolds and Instapundit were related in some way. Well, it turns out they are. Instapundit is mostly brief commentary and a jumping off point to other destinations of interest - and I like Glenn's nose for news. Aside from teaching law at the University of Tennessee and running two blogs and writing columns for Tech Central Station and God-knows-who-else, he still reads his readers' emails - at least the two emails I've ever sent him. This is actually number three on my daily list of blogs-to-visit. Because Instapundit begat...

The Bleat - James Lileks (pronounced Lie-lex) pounds out an entry Monday through Friday. James is one of the funniest authors I've ever read. Whether he's relating a story about visiting Target with his daughter Gnat or shredding some lefty moonbat, he's always amusing. And the whole site is bursting with content - the Gallery of Regrettable Food, Big Little Books, the Dorcus Collection (all under "The Institute of Official Cheer") - This alone justifies the Internet. Non-stop fun. Number 2 on my daily visit list.

Well, that's my Top 3. I hope they don't get all touchy about their rank, should they ever read this. A friend of mine met Raymond E. Feist on Compuserve about 10 years ago and made the mistake of telling him "You're my fifth favourite Fantasy/Sci-Fi author, after Tolkein, Asimov, Adams, etc. [note: I'm making up this list, but I'm sure Tolkein was #1]. " Anyway, Ray seemed all offended after that.

After those 3, my blog reading isn't so strangled by regimen. I'll add more to this list over the next couple of days.

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