And by TRUE, I mean FALSE
Life in the People's Republic of Canada.

I couldn't quite get a read on what Reg thought of it, but for my part, I thought Team America: World Police may be the finest film ever made. America...f*ck yeah! I noticed that the laughs were uproarious during the parts ridiculing the over-the-top Bruckheimer style rah-rah USA! USA! stuff, but a stunned hush fell over the crowd when Michael Moore and Sean Penn were mocked. Well, this is Canada and St. Michael sits at the right hand of God. I thought the whole thing was funny from beginning to Reg pointed out, "You just never tire of hearing marionettes say 'f*ck'!" No, I don't.

Also speaking of the greatest: How 'bout CBC's Greatest Canadian

Apparently a local radio host made the list, but CBC has declined to include him. From the Shotgun:

"Update: Hal Anderson of Winnipeg's Power 97 got out the vote and made the list. A CBC talking head sneered that this is an example of the failure of direct democracy. The sneer was right but only because the CBC chose to say no more about Mr. Anderson despite people having voted for him. A failure of democracy indeed. At least Mr. Dressup (an American) made the list."
We should really get my "smoking hole in the ground" plan for the CBC rolling...

There was a lot of good stuff posted over the weekend at the Shotgun...another CBC story about MotherCorp's hypocracy...Nova Scotia's vote to "continue on their path of economic self-destruction." Check it out if you've got a few minutes.
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