And by TRUE, I mean FALSE
Life in the People's Republic of Canada.

It's green and it folds

Glenn Reynolds has turned Instapundit over to guest bloggers this week. They're doing a pretty good job. Of course they're not Glenn Reynolds, but that's not necessarily a bad thing (I like nanotech as much as the next guy, but I can live without it for a week or two - but ask me again in 40 years whether I can live without it).

Megan McArdle, who runs Asymmetrical Information under the irony-free pseudonym "Jane Galt," is fond of using the phrase "it's green and it folds," in reference to money. Well, she's used it twice today. I don't know if it's a pathological condition.

In other news: BUSH GIVES "THE FINGER!" That video clip is about 10 years old and pretty amusing. I'd like to see him pull that at the UN sometime...

Also: Lileks today is worth your time:
Imagine FDR running a war with a press composed of cynical snickerers who derided the president as a rich old cripple who thought the best way to defeat Tojo was a war in North Africa and preached defeat every day through the hard slog of the Pacific theater. Imagine running a war with an entertainment industry that declined to make a single movie about the conflict - why, imagine a "Casablanca" where Rick and Sam argue about whether America started it all because they didn’t support the League of Nations.
That is all.

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